
Port services
Port services refer to the different activities involved in running ports that make it possible to carry out the activities associated with maritime traffic in conditions of safety, efficiency, regularity and continuity, without discrimination, and which are carried out within the territorial scope of the Port Authorities.

Commercial services
Commercial services are defined as delivery activities of a commercial nature, which although are not port services, are related to port activity. They are provided on a competitive basis and require obtaining authorization from the Port Authority.

Railway services
La APAC, en el ejercicio de las funciones de administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias que le atribuye el artículo 39 de la Ley 38/2015, de 29 de septiembre, del sector ferroviario, y como explotador de instalaciones de servicio, publica el documento de Información sobre la Red Ferroviaria del Puerto de A Coruña.