Institutional statement
Institutional Declaration from the Board of Directors of APAC
The Port Authority of A Coruña, as a Recovery and Resilience Facility Beneficiary Body, at its meeting on 21 December 2021, approved this institutional declaration regarding anti-fraud, stating its commitment to the highest standards for complying with legal provisions, ethics and morals, and its adhesion to the strictest principles of integrity, objectivity and honesty, so that its activities are perceived by all related stakeholders as opposed to fraud and corruption in any form. All those who make up the management team make and share this commitment.
In addition, the Port Authority staff must carry out the tasks assigned to them diligently and uphold the general interests subject to and in compliance with the Constitution and all other legislation, and must act in accordance with the following principles: objectivity, integrity, neutrality, responsibility, impartiality, confidentiality, dedication to public service, transparency, exemplariness, austerity, accessibility, efficiency, honesty, promotion of the cultural and natural environment, and respect for the equality of women and men, which inspire the Port Authority’s Code of Ethics.